Where is Evofine located?

Evofine is located in Florida, USA

How can I contact Evofine?

Email: info@evofine.com

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once you place your order, please allow 3-5 business days to process your orders. After that, it will take 8-14 business days for delivery in the United States, and 12-18 business days for international orders.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX) and PayPal payments.

How do I return an item?
If you are not happy with your purchase and wish to return an item, please contact us within 30 days from receiving your order. Please provide your order number as well as the reason for your return. Our customer service team will review the return request and will send further instructions if the return is approved.

Will shipping be covered for my returns?
All return shipping fees and other miscellaneous fees are the responsibility of the customer.

What if the item(s) I received are defective/incorrect/damaged?
Please contact us within 10 days from receiving your order if you received merchandise that is incorrect, missing, and/or defective. Please include your order number, photographs of the item(s) and all related references upon receiving your package. We will do our very best to resolve your case as soon as possible.

How long is the returns process?
Processing returns may take up to 5 business days from the day we receive your return. We will email you to confirm once your return has been processed.

When will I receive my refund?
All refunds will be credited to your original form of payment. If you paid by credit or debit card, refunds will be sent to the card-issuing bank within 5-7 business days of receipt of the returned item or cancellation request. Please contact the card-issuing bank with questions about when the credit will be posted to your account.

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